Feb 17Liked by Anne Therese Gennari

How we frame things makes such a massive difference to whether we submit to despair or get inspired to act. Thanks for this post :)

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Jan 18Liked by Anne Therese Gennari

I have just finished reading 'The Climate Optimist Handbook', one of the most important and encouraging books I've read about the climate. My own trilogy, 'Katja's World Game', shows what a group of students can do if they are serious about making a difference. I started writing in 2019; the third novel, 'Katja's World Game: The Overstory', will be published this year. There will also be an audiobook version as well as a graphic novel version of my trilogy.

If you are interested in my trilogy, do contact me at jane.m.ekstam@hiof.no or janeekstam@yahoo.se.

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Jan 17Liked by Anne Therese Gennari

Words are great. Actions are better. And, measuring concrete impact behavior is critical. Likes and shares don't move the needle on climate change. Check out our impact plug in www.plusmedia.solutions and turn every inspiration into action.

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Praise God bless him for sending me to capture the Dragon Satan for it is done Amen.

Thank God bless him for he has the power to change Earthly climate system

And specifically species as he sees fit.

Humans are replaced with a blink.... and his climate system will support a new kind that we reject him....

LOVE God first!


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